"If sweet death should ever conquer me, let me know, boys, let me know. If you hear him coming, won't you let me flee? Let me go, boys, let me go."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Uhm, Hello?!

My quick valentine's day not: WHO CARES? I don't! Neither should you. Valentine's Day is about letting the people you love KNOW you love them! It's not just a stupid Hallmark holiday ment for couples who are too carroty for their own good. Get over it.

Now for what I'm really pissed about. My mom just told me that I can't do summer school or zero period next year, which means I can't do photography. She said I can join photography CLUB, but is that the same? No at all! Photography CLUB is not a class. It's not a class that can teach me and help me get better. Quite honestly, I am not that good. I try to be, sure. But am I really? Not at all. I want to take photography the CLASS so I can get better. Not do photography CLUB because that's not going to do a single thing for me. Sometimes my pictures look good because of my camera, but how much skill is really behind there? Very little. I need this class. It's my passion and I kind of want to be very, very good at it. Not roll out some more of the mediocre crap I try to pass of as good. I see what other people come up with, I don't even come close. I want to take this class so I can finally measure up. Why can't my parents understand that?

See ya,

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