"If sweet death should ever conquer me, let me know, boys, let me know. If you hear him coming, won't you let me flee? Let me go, boys, let me go."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Waffle Album

Today something arrived in my mailbox. It was a CD. It was Hello Hurricane. I absolutely love this record. It is so amazing and indescribable. I like to think of it like this: The CD is like a burnt waffle. Light and airy, but it has a dark side. It's also very satisfying, but not quite.
One of my favorite parts of Hello Hurricane is how it twists my soul into shapes that I didn't think is could go. It's ripping out pieces of me and throwing them around the room. It left me broken after some songs but totally put back together after others. I feel like if I go back through the other records, I won't be able to think of them the same.
I think everyone needs to hear a record like this. Not this one, specifically, just a CD that makes you feel the same way Hello Hurricane makes me feel.

This concludes my review of what could possibly be my most favorite record of all time.

That's all, folks!

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