Oh, and if you haven’t checked it out yet, I recommend listening to the new Switchfoot and John Mayer CD![Hot dogs? Who would have thought?] Heh. I like you, emma.
Anyway. A tragedy has struck. My phone died. How? It fell in the toilet. ACCIDENTALLY. Accidentally. It fell out of my pocket. Accidentally. Did I mention it was an accident? It doesn't really matter, though, because no matter how you slice it my phone is still dead. This means two things: 1. I can no longer text anyone. 2. The only way I can go on the internet is on a computer.
Did I mention how I can't text anyone?
Let me rephrase that.
I can't communicate with anyone unless they call me on my home phone or I'm the computer.
Those two things don't happen very often. Wah. I'm sad.
But speaking of Hello Hurricane, if you're reading this right now, you need to listen to Switchfoot's other albums. Right now I've got Oh! Gravity. in my ears. I love it. I forgot how awesome this record really is. You should go out and buy it. And The Beautiful Letdown, and Nothing is Sound, and Learning to Breathe, and New Way to be Human, and Legend of Chin.
I havta go now children.
That's all, folks!
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