"If sweet death should ever conquer me, let me know, boys, let me know. If you hear him coming, won't you let me flee? Let me go, boys, let me go."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Internet Killed the Video Star

So right as I was about to do some heavy thinking, "Video Killed the Radio Star" came on my iPod, and you all know that it's impossible to think while listening to 80's pop. Instead I am enjoying the sounds of a fallen generation where pop was good, and if it was stupid, it was funny. I wonder what Hannah Montanna would've like if she'd sang back then. Still bad, probably, but maybe not as slutty. (hey, it could happen! [who am I kidding no it couldn't.]) Ooooo more old music. Led Zeppelin. Ah, the classics. I wish I had lived back then. To see someone like Led Zeppelin or the Beatles in concert! Or imagine- Woodstock! I'm getting wistful just thinking about it. But seriously, if I could go back in time I would go to Woodstock. I would revel in the music and the drugs and the hippies and have the best time of my life. Sometimes I wonder if I was born to the wrong generation. But then again, the didn't have Switchfoot in the 80's.

That's all for today, kids. Sorry for the lacking in posts. I haven't had many thoughts recently. I'm sure my life will be thrown into thoughtful termoil soon.

That's all, folks!


  1. heh! i'm the same way. i always wish i was born a few decades earlier, but then i remember switchfoot and i don't think i'd be willing to give them up.

  2. That is a beastly song. First vid on Mtv haha
