Sunday, January 31, 2010
Man those thoughts don't flow well.
That's all, folks!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
As It Happens
I think I'm going to make this a group project, so if you want to join me on my journey talk to me on the comments section either here or there.
See ya,
Oh, Glourious Monday
Q: Are you amused by auctioneers?
A: now that you say so, yea. I guess I am!
Thanks Lee! That amused me. As well as auctioneers. You're so wonderfully random.
So anyway, I have nothing really important to say. I think CoCo's really serious about this band thing, and I'm all for it. But there's still this tiny voice in the back of my head that whispers, "What about Walruses?" I guess since we came up with it in the first place I've had this dream of me and Davis playing the beginning of "I am the Walrus" then jamming into whatever song we had in mind to come next. Maybe I'll just have to initiate CoCo and Benji as walruses. Oh, what fun. ;D (yet...)
I let my brain get in the way too much. But no more of that! Thus begins the the age of impulse in the lanf of me. Hm. I might change my blog name to that. What says ye? I'll put a poll in the sidebar for you guys to decide. (Keep in mind the change wouldn't come into effect till I get tired of the current layout because I'd have to make a new one.)
That's all folks!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Manchester Orchestra
Shake It Out-
I've Got Friends-
In My Teeth-
I Can Barely Breathe-
Now That You're Home-
100 Dollars-
Tony the Tiger-
I Can Feel a Hot One-
The River-
The Only One-
Everything to Nothing-
My Friend Marcus-
Wolves at Night-
Golden Ticket-(My all-time favourite)
That's all, folks!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I Needed That
Why? Because I'm crazy. RAH!
So where I am now. My thought process is simple, but I am a hypocrite. There are so many villains waging wars inside my head as we speak. I don't know what to think. But I don't need to; I'm fourteen. Right between the land of all decisions being made for me, and me making them all for myself. It's not bad to let people take the wheel in a place like this, but it's also not bad to take the wheel myself. So many new ideas flood from every pore but there's no means with which to carry out my plans. So I'm bidding my time till the day comes when I have the money and the time.
Right now I'm just a kid with a guitar and a dream to go far.
See ya,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Something's Different About You...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Dear Boardie Friends,
I was reading through Amy's blog and I came across this picture and I thought to myself, "so true," and I know only a few of you (that I know of) actually read my blog but I wanted to tell you guys that I love you. Even though most of you live in different states and I'll probably never (but hopefully will) meet you in person, you're some of the best friends I've ever had. I just finished writing a letter to Sare where I felt like I poured my heart out! (haha get ready, kid.) I know I may not post that much or get to involved, but I'm pretty sure I could tell you guys anything, even if we don't talk all that much. You guys are my family when I'm down and out with no one left to turn to. (no pun intended? I'm blanking out.) Also, if I met you through Switchfoot but you're not on the boards, I love you too.
All you Switchfoot boardies and friends bring a sparkle to my life that's very much needed.
That's all, folks!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dark Side of the Moon
Q: do u ever wish u cud have someone as amazing as tanya for a sibling? idk who she is but i saw her at school once and i thot she was the most beautiful creature in the world?
A: yes, i do! every night i go to bed wondering why im not related to her. *sigh*
Haha. Love you too Tanya!
Anyway, I don't know if I have anything else to say, really. I'm not going to post this till later though so when you read this know that this top portion was written before what I'm going to put next.
Au revoir till later kiddos.
I'm back. It's 8:59 and I have an essay written.
So about what I did while I was away. My friends came over! We watched Wizard of Oz and listened to Dark Side of the Moon at the same time. It was CRAZAY! I loved it. I'm definitely finding more stuff like that. [I thought my friends would like it too, since they're into older music but apparently not. :/ and Ehly, I don't care what you say. I thought it was fantastic.] The day kind of ended sadly. I've been getting to a point where my life is starting to get stressful again. It's ok, though. It'll pass.
I love it, but eaaahhh!
Maybe it's just this weekend. For the most part I have awesome days. This weekend hasn't been so hot, though. So maybe the week will bring better times. *shrugs* Only time will tell!
I have to get back to my homework now.
That's all, folks!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I Knew Where Haiti Was Before the Earthquake
Why just Haiti?
The reason people are donating so much is because people are dying, yes. People lost their homes, yes. People have no fresh food//water, yes. But that kind of stuff was happening to other people before the earthquake. In fact, it was happening in Haiti before the earthquake. So why now? It takes a natural disaster to make us realize that people need our help? Sure, it's one thing to know that those people don't have what we do, but it's another to act on it. Did you know that credit card companies are waiving fees that concern donations? Now, I'm not sure that's exactly right, but it's pretty close to the truth. Quite frankly, this confuses me, and if you think about it, I'm pretty sure it'll confuse you.
I'm all for donating towards Haiti, but why does the rest of the world have to get left out?
See ya,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Internet Killed the Video Star
So right as I was about to do some heavy thinking, "Video Killed the Radio Star" came on my iPod, and you all know that it's impossible to think while listening to 80's pop. Instead I am enjoying the sounds of a fallen generation where pop was good, and if it was stupid, it was funny. I wonder what Hannah Montanna would've like if she'd sang back then. Still bad, probably, but maybe not as slutty. (hey, it could happen! [who am I kidding no it couldn't.]) Ooooo more old music. Led Zeppelin. Ah, the classics. I wish I had lived back then. To see someone like Led Zeppelin or the Beatles in concert! Or imagine- Woodstock! I'm getting wistful just thinking about it. But seriously, if I could go back in time I would go to Woodstock. I would revel in the music and the drugs and the hippies and have the best time of my life. Sometimes I wonder if I was born to the wrong generation. But then again, the didn't have Switchfoot in the 80's.
That's all for today, kids. Sorry for the lacking in posts. I haven't had many thoughts recently. I'm sure my life will be thrown into thoughtful termoil soon.
That's all, folks!
Monday, January 11, 2010
In a Classic Trend Following Way
Ask me anything, and I do mean anything. It's anonymous. I'll post an answer to one a week if I get any questions in the first place.
So anyway, today is extremely painful. My stomach hurts and my foot got frozen again. Guess who's missing another week of dance? Me! D': Next week will be amazing though. Monday off, not zero period, minimum days. Ohmyohmyohmy. Oh and there's a new episode of House on. Yes.
Listening: Rockin' the Suburbs - Ben Folds.
is so funneh.
That's all, folks!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sometimes You Just Have To
I'd ask the world to dance
and I'll be dancing with myself"
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
There Are Several Thing That I Believe to be True
1. If you're going to watch all 6 Star Wars movies you gotta go numerical. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Not starting with #4.
2. The fire department can't save you if you fall of the world.
3. You should never wear flesh-coloured shirts on TV. Or ever.
4. If you procrastinate on being lazy you get everything done.
5. Ice cream makes everything better. Everything. Sick? I'm sorry, have some ice cream. Lactose intolerent? I'm sorry, have some ice cream.
6. Chuck Norris is always watching you.
That is all for now.
See ya,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I had something to say. But I forgot what it was. Well, more like just part of it. I'll remember somehow. I hope. But onto the thing that I do remember.
Have you ever noticed how boys have pretty eyelashes? Not just a few of them, either. Most guys have amazing eyelashes. Thick, dark, amazing eyelashes. I hate it. Why do boys get pretty eyelashes and girls don't? It's not like they want them! It's like how girls with straight hair want curly hair and vice versa. Except me. I have relatively straight hair, I just want it to be straighter. But I digress.
I guess if you really wanted better eyelashes you could use that latisse drug. If I were you though, I wouldn't. They have ads for it in the dermatologist's office and it makes your eyelids look so GROSS! Just buy fake lashes, ladies. Also at the dermatologist they have tons of ads for things like botox. I think it's disgusting. You get this gel stuff injected UNDER your skin! It makes my face feel funny just thinking about it. And why would you not want wrinkles anyway? People should just embrace their age and roll with it. Don't get botox, be the awesome wrinkly adorable old person you know you should be.
I'm pretty sure that about sums it up. I need to sleep so I can go to school tomorrow. Hopefully.
That's all, folks!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Monday, January 4th.
Man, I wish I had a more interesting title, but I'm too tired to think anything else up. Besides, today's post is about today.
Today marks the beginning of school once more. Break is over and we're in a new year. One problem. I was sick over the weekend so today was tougher than it should've been. It was very very tiring and I'm glad we went home early today. But it's not the school day that matters. It's after school.
I didn't procrastinate (as much as usual) today. I was able to start and finish all the homework due before fourth period and work on some of the stuff due after that too. It was hard and tedious. But I'm proud of myself. I spent my time wisely.
This got me to thinking. It's January already. JANUARY. When this month is over the year will be half gone. Then what? High school? College? Life? Scary thoughts, those are. We can't waste our time.... wasting time!
So I challenge you, on the fourth day of this year God has given us, to go out and DO something! Anything. Do it with passion and heart and love. Don't make it your "resolution" because those never get followed through. Make it your life, kiddo.
That's all, folks!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Top 10 of Two-Thousand Nine
It's time. The ball dropped and we're 20 minutes into the new year. Let's count down the top 10 moments of what just passed.
10. November 13th: That day was so much fun. It started at school then it went to the PV vs. Pen game where we totally OWNED 7-30, 40 something. Then we went to the movies. I don't even remember what we saw, but it doesn't matter. I ended up happy. It was amazing.
9. The Fiction Family Concert: It was such a great night. The venue was tiny, the artists were great. They even came out afterward and talked to everyone. It was crazy.
8. The Zoo: Those who were there know what I'm talking about. Such a fun day.
7. Planet Bravo: It was like camp, because it was. AND it was at Sara's house! I spent the whole week at her house. Nerd camp FTW. Yes.
6. My New Phone: Self-Explanatory. I love my new phone, and I've been wanting one for a while.
5. Anaheim/Bro-Am: Two amazing concerts. Anaheim being my most favourite concert ever. They were amazing nights with my most favourite band. Featuring "CHAD!!!! *throws shirt on stage*"
I just decided that I can't finish my list. I don't do top 10 lists. But if I had to pick 4 more things I'd pick
-Hello Hurricane
-Ehly (this includes everything we've been through)
-Eighth grade.
That's 5 things. Oh well. Those are in no particular order, BTW.
See ya later kids, we got 364 days left. We can do it.
That's all for 2009, folks!