"If sweet death should ever conquer me, let me know, boys, let me know. If you hear him coming, won't you let me flee? Let me go, boys, let me go."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Disney Artists FTW?!?

(It's 4 in the morning, and this post is looking to be kind of a long one. Get ready.)

So for Christmas I got an iTunes gift card, which I decided to spend today. I bought a song called "Low Day" by a band called Capra. Here's the thing though, Capra is a Disney artist. The song is not bad. It's actually really kind of good. You may be wondering right about now, Lizabeth, have you gone INSANE? Maybe. It is 4:18 AM. But the song is still good. The lyrics could use some work, but the song itself sounds a lot like some of the stuff I've been listening to lately. That electro-pop feel.

I forgot what I was going to talk about next. Oh yea.

So I also bought this song called "I'm On a Boat." If you haven't heard this song yet, get your head out from under that rock. This song is hilarious. I love it. You must listen to it. (but be warned! It is filled with profanities, so beware in your listening that persons that would disapprove are listening in.)

I actually had a whole big thought and something important to say, but its 4:23 in the morning. While it would help keep me awake, I'd rather not. Plus my fingers are tired from all this typing.

That's all, folks!

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