"If sweet death should ever conquer me, let me know, boys, let me know. If you hear him coming, won't you let me flee? Let me go, boys, let me go."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Correct Usage of Semicolons FTW

This is officially post number 99 [EDIT: upon further examination, this is actually post #97. I apologize for getting your hopes up there.], and the official state of the union is fear. Y'know Chelsea King? She was this girl from San Diego who was kidnapped sometime last week; her body was found on Tuesday. Today on Facebook there was an event that said that today if you were a part of the event you should wear green in her honor. So I did. Yesterday, as I was contemplating how I was going to wear green tomorrow (which is today) I thought of all the injustices in the world, and how hypocritical it was to be honoring one girl when there are so many other people suffering her same fate and worse. But then I realized, there's nothing wrong with honoring her as long as you don't forget.

And I was feeling pretty OK with myself, till I read this:
It still hurts.

It hurts that, not only locally where I life have there been so many girls, girls in such prime, to just go vanishing, but all over the country.
All over the world. My friend Job wrote about how there are so many more Chelsea King's out there and its insane how little attention they got, how much she got.

Did it really have to happen this many times on such a level to get our attention?

To not only have them vanish but to find them, find dead bodies..and find signs of rape and molestation and just know they went through this horrible thing before passing for...what?
A killers self-delusions? Selfish wants?

It frightens and scares me.

Im not just talking about the rape, which is a fear, but to go through that kind of horror and not be able to send some kind of message out after...to not be able let your family have peace right away.

It hurts them.
It hurts all of us.

Maybe its cause I wear my heart on my sleeve, but knowing these people hurt, it hurts me.

I sympathize. I find small ways to empathize.

And then to think, thats not the only wrong in our world.
There's these natural disasters that break your heart to see how much help is needed, and how little we give.

Haiti was ONLY a month ago.
Hurricane Katrina was over a couple years ago-there are STILL people recovering from that.
I live in area where there are fires almost every fall. People have to recover from lost things every. single. year.

Why are we forgetting about Haiti so quickly?

They NEED help.
I read this blog by Anne Jackson and she went down there two weeks ago.

Not only did she go help, but she's going back.

It's the same with Chile and the recent tsunami warnings and every other natural disaster- We freak out, try to help how we can, hope and pray, and then...forget?
It scared me and summed up all my thoughts in one post. Really. Things like Chelsea happen all the time. Then of course there's Darfur and Chile and Haiti and the recession. All this crap in the world, and it's happening now. All around us! Sure, I live in a pretty low-crime neighborhood, but that's just it. Low. There's bad stuff everywhere. In our towns. It's an infection that the people with power don't bother to stop. If they wanted too, though, they could.

Who are the people with power? Politicians? The kids with a tontonton of money? Yea. But also you. Everyone has the power. Make a change. I do believe I'm going to start to.

That's all, folks!

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