Especially by my friends. It's as if I'm not interesting enough for them. And the only time they
do pay attention is when i have something they want. Interesting. They're like almost every other person on the planet. I hate that people are so selfish and immature. The immaturity is the worst part. I'd like it better if people were selfish and mature, but it'd be better if people weren't either. The nerve of some people. Which reminds me; yesterday I was getting stuff out of my locker when this girl comes up to me and asks for food. [There is clearly visible food in my locker.] I looked at her and said, "[the box] is empty." That was a lie. Why did I lie? I didn't want to give her food! What on earth was she thinking? This is a girl who blatantly made fun of me in the sixth grade, and now she's asking me for
food? Excuse me, but I don't like you. I'm not going to give you food. If I had said that, though, it would've been really mean.
On a lighter note, I'm home sick today and my sister is watching Ni Hao Kai Lan. That show has the cutest animated animals I've ever seen.

Aren't they
adorable? You haven't even seen the elephant or the ants yet. I love them. And earlier, I was watching another show with Emily, and it was about animals that had wheels instead of feet. It was called Jungle Junction. It was amazing. Animals with wheel feet. Hahaha!\
That about wraps it up for me. See ya later kids.
That's all, folks!

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