"If sweet death should ever conquer me, let me know, boys, let me know. If you hear him coming, won't you let me flee? Let me go, boys, let me go."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mike..? MIKE??


Come hang out.


Monday, July 12, 2010


Let's face it. I'm dehydrated. It's true. The worst part is that if I wanted to, I could get up and get myself a glass of water.

I haven't gotten up yet.

If one of you lovely people were telling someone who doesn't know about yours truely, and that was how you were describing me, lazy, that person would- right off the bat- not respect me.

I've been thinking about respect some, lately. Mostly just today, though. I have this one friend that, I have realized, I'm losing total respect for. Now, you have to understand, this guy is the guy. The one everybody wants to be and everybody hates, but everybody loves at the same time. It's so annoying! Yet, he's one of my best friends.

Like I said, he's losing my respect. There's this thing that he's gotten into that just changes him. He's not the same when he's with this thing. Most people, if you told them about his thing, would wonder how on earth that could be a bad thing for him, but it is.

Don't get me wrong, I still love this kid. It's just I hate how two-faced he's starting to become. (I know two-faced may sound kind of harsh, but do you have a better way to describe someone who acts one way sometimes and then completely different the rest of the time?)

I have to go to sleep now, children. Do I not finish thoughts I start a lot?

Here's six things you thought you knew about but apparently were wrong.
(It's funny.)


Friday, July 9, 2010


Aren't these colours just horrilble? Bleh. Oh well. I'm going to take a shower then go to bed now. Goodnight.


Oh, the Wonders of Being Awake

It's just about 1:30 AM right now. Being awake way early is fun, it really is. I can do whatever I want now and nobody will know but me. The thing is though, sleep is rather necessary to human life, and I haven't enjoyed waking up at 1:30 in the afternoon. Also, it takes a while for the body to get adjusted to sleep patterns such as the one I've fallen into. Normally, I start to get headaches, and, a couple days ago, I really couldn't bend my legs at the hips. It just hurt. I couldn't even sit criss-cross-applesauce. It may have something to do with sitting on my butt for hours on end, though. Hm.

In other news, I had to wake up at 8:30 this morning to go to the podiatrist. It wasn't the most fun experience. It was, however, better than other doctor visits I've had. I was caught off guard, though, when my dad and the doctor we went to see decided that the suggested treatment should be carried out right then and there. Yea, I was rather freaked out. This is one of the few times that I've downright refused a medical treatment instead of just doing it and getting it over with like I normally do. I wish I had a picture of the apparatus the doctor used on me. It was weird. It wasn't a needle, thank goodness. He described it as the medicine getting pushed through/into my skin. Sounds like a wonderful time, right? Well, it was better than a needle. (It still hurt, though.)

Now I'm here. Currently, I'm uploading July fourth pictures to Facebook and listening to "Close to Me (Vengeance Mash-Up)" by The Cure vs. Lil' Wayne. I really like this song. It's like rap laid over something peppy with many horns. (Y'know, like trumpets.) Here, have a listen.

Oh, what joy it is to post something long. It makes me happy. I'm going to go work on an awesome background that will be totally awesome.

That's all, my weasels!

(By the way, for those of you who want to know where the chatbox is, I did away with it. Now you actually have to leave comments on my posts! What a concept!)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Well This Is Just Great

I wish I understood HTML enough to put my own background image in. This is extraordinarily frustrating. You don't even know.

I think I'm going to go to sleep now. I apologize for all the short posts.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Have to See This Movie

Who wants to go with me? (Even if no one will I'm still going.)


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Austin: So. I hear you like mudkipz?

Me: Those are the silly fishes that go on land.
Austin: Yea, haha. That's a really funny way to put it.
Me: Silly fish, they belong in water. Don't they know anything?
Austin: This is why you're my friend.
Me: 'Cause I talk about mudkipz in an interesting way?
Austin: Yea.
Me: Makes sense.
Austin: You're funny.
Me: I aim to please.

Do you remember Randy and Lola? The other day I thought of another scene involving those two. Unfortunately, I forgot it. Hmph. Oh well. I'll remember it eventually hopefully.

Now to figure out how to do a new layout. I want a new one!

Goodnight, weasels.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I Don't Know... Tube Sock?

I was going to say something. It had to do with me being crazy. Maybe it's me being so obsessed with music. Maybe it's something else. I really don't remember. I want to post something, but I don't know what to say. Maybe I'll just start all my sentences with "I" and "maybe."

If you expect the unexpected, then it's not really unexpected anymore. That means nothing can be unexpected. Unless of course someone spends so much of their time expecting the unexpected that the expected become unexpected! It's an endless cycle of paradoxical horror, and I really don't want to spend my time typing all that out until my fingers begin to bleed.

I really like Led Zeppelin. What do you think of them? If you don't think anything then I think you should agree with me, especially if you're too lazy to go formulate your own opinion. Some people do that, y'know. I'm probably included in that.

(It speaks the truth, you know.)
[My first Doctor was David Tennant.]
{I kind of like him, but that may just be because he is my first Doctor.}
(I also like Andy Samberg.)

Do you like my correct usage of various parentheses? Although that may not be right. It probably isn't. No, never mind...

That's all, folks!

Yes, there will be snacks.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

This Song Is Awesome.

Please, take no note of the title of the video. Just listen.

That's all for now, folks.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bro-Am Time, Once Again.

Ah, the Bro-Am. It's the best day on the Lizabethan Calendar. Seriously. This year's was no exception. Waking up at six in the morning, seeing friends that you haven't seen for months, the pictures upon pictures that are taken, the surfing, and, most of all, the music.

The music is always the best part, especially Switchfoot's set. (Duh.) This year's lineup was amazing, though. It included The Almost and OK Go.

Wait, those are the guys who made that video with the treadmills, right?
Yup. They were awesome.

Man, I suck at writing. Here's one of the songs they played at the Bro-Am. (Beware, it's out of tune.)

That's all for now, folks! I'm going to go watch the treadmill video.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hey You! Yea, You With the Tumblr!

I know I already have a Flickr, but the concept of having a website specifically for my photography has always been intriguing. So, I decided to get a Tumblr for it. Yes, I know I already had something on Blogger, but I didn't like it. Not. At. All.

Anyway, here's my Tumblr. For those of you with said blogging platforms, please follow me. Reblog me. Recommend me. (If you don't know how to do that, theres a button on the top that says "Directory." On that page there's another button.) I know I'm just asking you to shamelessly promote me, but hey, I gotta get my name out there somehow.

Now for real things. I've had kind of a nasty cold, lately, and it's gotten to the hacking up a lung point. Every time my throat starts goin' at it, I get freaked out because I've heard so many stories of people breaking ribs because they coughed so hard. I was thinking about it today, and I think it would be cool to break a rib. Yea, I know that sounds crazy, but I kind of just want to have the experience of it, y'know?

No. You don't. You all think I'm crazy for wanting to break a rib. One day someone's going to take what I say too far and call the cops on me.

That's all, folks!

Monday, June 28, 2010

So I Guess You Want to Know About Camp, Right?

I'm going to tell you about camp now. Some of you might look at this post with an, "Oh my goodness. She is crazy." attitude. It was church camp, after all. Also, what I'm going to say is what I said when I shared what my experience was that week with my team. That and I'm adding a few things. Hope you enjoy it. Here goes.

For the past couple months I haven't really been going to church or youth group. My usual excuse was that I had too much homework, or that I felt sick, and while those things weren't exactly lies, they did tend to stretch the truth. My brother would come home from youth group and tell me about how much everyone missed me, but I didn't really care. I felt like I was losing my emotion. On the last day of eighth grade. when I was saying goodbye to all my friends, everyone was crying except me. I didn't really miss anyone. Not my friends that I was going to see next year, not my boyfriend, and especially not my friends that were going to different schools. A lot of what I did was what I felt like people expected. I wasn't sad. I was indifferent. I felt like I had lost my emotion.

But then I came to camp. I didn't really feel like anything was different, being up there and all. The only thing was that the people were much friendlier. (Evidenced by the two friends I made up there that weren't in my cabin and weren't other Indies.) It was there that I felt my emotion re-surging. I had brought some of the pictures from my school dance along with me, and as I was looking at them one night, I felt a pang of longing. I missed my friends. Then, early Wednesday night, I got a voicemail from Campbell. It was basically him telling me that if I wanted to talk to him it was now (Tuesday night) or never, because he was leaving Wednesday morning. As soon as I was done listening to it, I began to miss him painfully. He was really gone for two whole weeks, with no way to contact him.

That wasn't the most important thing that happened, though. Wednesday night was also worship experience night. I went around with my cabin to several different places where we worshiped in ways other than just singing songs. In one of the rooms, you were asked to make up your own psalm to God. (Like the book in the Bible.) On the wall where you were supposed to write, I wrote, "He's still there. He's still there. He's still there. Waiting." Lately, I had been wondering if God was even there. I couldn't feel Him, or anything else for that matter.

The Worship Experience ended in singing songs of praise in the ampitheatre where we met every night for our lesson. It was there, while everyone was singing "Amazing Grace" where I started crying. I shed what is probably the most tears that I've ever shed in my entire life. I just kept crying. I loved it. I felt God in that moment right there. As I was shedding my tears I kept thinking, "It's back. My emotion is back. God is here."

For the rest of the night, and most of the next day, I kept thinking about that moment. That night during our evening gathering the camp split off into our separate teams to take communion. Before we did that, in our smaller groups, we were asked to share our stories. Never, in my entire life, have I stood up and shared. That night I did. I told everyone my story.

My story doesn't stop with just what I said there, though. After whoever wanted to share was finished, we took communion. Being my usual self, I was just sitting where I was waiting for the line to die down so I could go up when my friend Parkher came up behind me and asked if he could pray for me. I'v never been prayed for by one of my friends before. It was an amazing experience. It was a very pure expression of love and caring by someone I had just met a day or two ago. I mean it when I say that he is one of the nicest people I have ever met. God is going to great things with that boy.

Anyway, I also learned a few things while I was at camp. Like, what it really means to put your arm around someone and what it really means to hold someone's hand. The fact that Christians can come in all shapes and sizes was solidified as well. I can say, without a doubt, that my week at Lakeview this year was the best week at camp that I've ever had. I will never forget the people I met or the things that I did.

So that's camp, I guess. Everything you needed to know is contained in those paragraphs, and, in case you were wondering, I'll have a post up concerning the Bro-Am in a few days. Just be patient kids. Also, here are some shots I took at camp.

That's all, my little weasels.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

HOORAY! for Retro Fall Out Boy

Before I dive into whatever today's blogging shall bring, here's the real link. I know you've all been dying to see it.

Back to what I was saying.
Retro Fall Out Boy! By that I mean Take This to Your Grave. Man, I haven't listened to that album in a while. It's good. All their stuff is good!

Ahaha. I biebered you guys. What fun.

So Campbell's mom is either really into astrology, or I'm crazy. Probably both. At dinner on Wednesday, she was talking about it, and either I'm really out of the loop, or she's really in. Y'know what else is weird? She and Campbell are the same sign, and the fiancée and I are the same sign. WEIRD. Or not. I'm not into all that pseudoscience, obviously.

I've decided I should probably start setting my alarm, so that I don't wake up at 1 o'clock like I did today. (I was up till 2 watching Doctor Who...) Tomorrow I'm going to try 9. Hopefully that's a nice time to get up to start a day of doing nothing. Woo! Summer is so boring when you have nothing to do and nobody to text and no wheels and no money. I hope my iPod comes tomorrow... I'll be messing around with that for at least an hour I hope.

I love this song. "Homesick at Space Camp." Go listen to it!

I'm going to stop now. My computer is being rather slow today.

G'night, weasels.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Doctor Who!

So I finally saw Doctor Who! Due to the fact that I have to go sleep now, I will only say a few things about the episode:

1. I will never look at statues the same way again.
2. I can't blink right.
3. I like that series' doctor.

If you want to watch that episode, it's right here.

Goodnight, weasels!

By the way- for those of you who watch the episode, PLEASE refrain from posting spoilers in the chat box. We want other people to have fun watching it, too.

EDIT: So apparently the link to the episode was broken. I've fixed it now so everything's all good. :D

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Need Haley!

Seriously? Yes, seriously.

Although, when I say that, I just mean I want willing models for a photo shoot I want to do so I can change the layout of this blog. Was that a run-on sentence? It's such a long sentence... (See how I avoided a TWSS right there?)

So I was watching Whip It last night at Ehly's house. Quote-un-quote review: I thought it was very predictable. Basically one of those "I want to get out of my crappy small town by doing something crazy, because I'm a rebel. But then, heaven forbid, everything blows up in my face! Everything seems to be going wrong at exactly the same time. In the end, though, I finally realize who I really am, and my family finally accepts me." I'm pretty sure that's what I thought ten-or-so minutes into the movie. I still thought it was a good movie, though. The subject matter was très intéressant. You now know one more person who wants to go see a roller derby. (I know you may all think I'm crazy, but does it look like I care?)

All that to say that that was not the point of me bringing up the movie. My point was to bring up a song that the main character's boyfriend's band played in the movie. (Turns out the boyfriend character is an actual recording artist who sings a song from a cell phone commercial that I'm sure all of you will recognize.) I actually bought the whole soundtrack for that song. (It was worth it.)

I don't want to put video for the recognizable song in this video, so here's the link. Have fun, children.

That may be all for today.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Someone Asked Me a Question on Formspring

Technically though, it wasn't really a question.

Here's what was said:

hi Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelizabeth

First let me set the tone for what I am about to say: the following thing is less an issue of annoyance, and more a genuine question. I'm not angry, I just want to know.

Now for my real response.
What does it matter to you? It's not your name. It's mine. And if me deciding to spell my name just a LITTLE differently is a big deal, then what do you say to Ellie? All the Samanthas that are Sam, and all the Alexandras that are Alex? What do you say to the many Allies out there? "I think it's stupid that you take the liberty to make YOUR name whatever YOU want it to be, because it's totally not your decision what you're called." Seriously? That's not cool.

I really don't understand. Why on earth does it matter so much? Furthermore, if whoever said that was doing it just to annoy me, that's just mean. I don't actually enjoy when people dog me about my name. It annoys me in that "seriously. I don't like when you do this, so stop" way. It's not one of those small things that friends always get away with picking each other about. No matter who says it, it makes me angry. You people need to learn to mind your own business.

It's not that I hate "Elizabeth" either! I would be completely fine with it if people didn't shove it in my face so much! So what if I choose to spell my name a little differently? It's not that I dislike my "real" name, it's that I just happen to like the one I chose better.

Some people need to get a life.

See ya,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Get Off

My sister won't shut up. Anyway, so y'know how I was talking about starting up a second blog-type-thing? Well this is it: http://snackmix.tumblr.com/. Not the most original idea, I know. But whatever.

I don't really have much to say about anything right now. That's probably why I haven't posted in a few days. I want this blog to be for thoughts, and not sharing of various media. That's what the other place is for. I need more thoughts!

That's all, my weasels.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Enjoy This

Yes, I post a lot of videos. I guarantee you though, you want to watch this one.

Ah. So brilliant. (By the way- I found it HERE.)

So, my friend Renae finally figured out what she was going to write about on her blog. She found the idea here. I may follow suit with the two of them and revive my Tumblr with a new name and look. I warn you now, be on the look out for something of that sort.

That's all for now, weasels.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Watch This Video

Trust me. Besides the fact that this song is freakin' MAGIC, the video is awesome. Seriously.

That's all for now, weasels.

I said, "I must be fine, because my heart's still beating."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

By the Way...

Did I mention that I put the Sono Vero pictures on my Flickr? Well I did. Now that I think of it, I should put more up. Maybe I will.

This is a video about cats:

My sister has a hat. That's not fair. I want a hat. If I tell that to my mother, she'll probably say that I didn't come so it's my loss. It's true.

I'm going to go edit more Sono Vero now.

That's all, weasels!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sono Vero?

I know you saw them today, and if you didn't, I feel for you. They were awesome. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, I speak of a band called Sono Vero. Now, I can't tell if it's just hype, or if they're actually good, but I am loving this demo. Reggae is not usually my thing, but this is good. It's almost made me forget about my new New Zealand love affair. You children know I could never forget good music, though. My goodness, I can't wait for an album.

So the dance. You want to hear about it, correct? Most of what I have to say will come in the form of this question: Why on earth would you dance with your butt in someone else's crotch? It doesn't make any sense. Therefore, I did not "freak dance" with my boyfriend, or anybody else for that matter. I did see some strange stuff, though. First of all, if your date is undesirable, don't dance with him, no matter how much you feel compelled to. It was a strange thing to watch. I don't understand.

Other than that, it was so much fun. Mr. Wanmer let me in and nobody else. It was so funny! We're all standing there just waiting to get it. Campbell kept trying to push me forward. I, being a nice, respectable girl, refused. So we were just waiting to get in when Mr. Wanmer pointed at me. I don't recall the exact "conversation," but I'm sure it went something like this:
Mr. W: *points*
Me: Me?
Mr. W: Yup.
Me: Haha okay.
Everyone else: What? You can't let her in! What about her boyfriend? You're going to let her in without him?
Me: heheheh...
Mr. Wanmer is totally getting a picture of a cactus now. No doubt.

I wish I had a video of Sono Vero for you children, but I don't think a YouTube search would be very fruitful. Hm. Oh well.

Goodnight, weasels.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here Comes the Latest Heartbreak

I have more music for you.

First is the song that must have been the single of the week last week. Turns out I missed last week. Normally, this wouldn't be so bad except that the song is SO GOOD. Listen.

This next song is from somewhere awesome. New Zealand. Like, they don't even sell the music for this band in our iTunes store. I had to travel to the New Zealand iTunes store to search for it. Turns out this song is on the debut album that isn't out yet. Fun.

Anyway. The song is super awesome, and they sound like MGMT! Always a good time there.

That's all for now, my little weasels!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


How many Justin Biebers could you take in a fight?

And that is how I'm going to spend post #150.

Thats all, my little weasels!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Two awesome songs I got yesterday. Yes, they are rather randomly unrelated, but whatever. When have you ever known me to be predictable? I like Sonny With a Chance and South Park. I listen to Christian hardcore and the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Very little about me makes sense on its own, but put together all the pieces fall nice and straight.

I have a voicemail. I should czech it. Right now I'm up here, though. Hm. Well. I think it's from CoCo, but I'm not sure. I need more Petville neighbors! I also need more Farmville neighbors.

Have you seen these pictures?

Wanna see more? Go here.
Isn't she amazing? I absolutely love Jeanna's pictures.

Y'know what else I love? Not having a headache. Except that I do. Rawr. Emily is watching me now. It's making it difficult to think of things to say. Hm. I think I may interview another mannequin soon.

That's all, my little weasels.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"It's just a sign..."

"...but in New York you can sell anything as long as it's called art."

Confessions of a Teenage Mannequin: Headless in the Hamptons.

"It was just a few years ago when they took my head. Life has been so difficult since then. People just stare at you all day because they don't think you can see. Just because you don't have a head doesn't mean you don't have eyes!

I guess it could be worse. I've heard that mannequins my age and older have had their arms and legs taken, too. Imagine that. How could I hug my wife? My children? I just hope I don't end up like those poor, unfortunate people."

According to Austin, my brother needs a new hobby that doesn't involve saying weird things when I enter rooms. Although, what I heard was taken out of context. I asked him what exactly he said later. What he said started to make more sense, but I still don't know why he was saying it in the first place.

"It's not Bob, it's a flashlight! CUT THE WIRE!"

That's all, weasels.

Friday, May 28, 2010

These Vines, They Trace the Walls

I'm very tired right now. It's 11:37, and I should probably be in bed right now, but I'm not. I'm here. Why? I don't know. I'm in a very down mood. Y'know, not sad, exactly, but not plain old blah either. Somewhere in between. Ah, woe is me. Not really, though. It's my own fault. I could just haul myself up outa this chair and go rest my eyes if I wanted to. I kind of want to. Soon, I think I just might. Although, I may skip the shower. Hey, I'm tired. I can do it in the morning. I do need to get this boy off my lips though.... (you heard nothing you little weasels.)

So Lady Gaga calls her fans in Japan (I think that's the place) little monsters. What if I called you loyal followers my little weasels? Before you say no, look at this adorable picture of a weasel:

He's cute, yes? Yes. There we are then. Now, my weasels, I have closed eyes to be catching up to.

That's all, folks!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm Gonna Buy This Place and See It Burn

He said "I'm going to buy this place and burn it down
I'm going to put it six feet underground
He said I'm going to buy this place and watch it fall
Stand here beside me baby in the crumbling walls"

"Oh I'm going to buy this place and start a fire
Stand here until I fill all your heart's desires
Because I'm going to buy this place and see it burn
Do back the things it did to you in return."

He said "Oh I'm going to buy a gun and start a war
If you can tell me something worth fighting for
Oh and I'm going to buy this place, that's what I said
Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head"

All the movements you're starting to make
See me crumble and fall on my face
And I know the mistakes that I made
See it all disappear without a trace

And they call as they beckon you on
They said "start as you mean to go on
Start as you mean to go on"

He said "I'm going to buy this place and see it go
Stand here beside my baby watch the orange glow
Some'll laugh and some just sit and cry
But you just sit down there and you wonder why"

"So I'm going to buy a gun and start a war
If you can tell me something worth fighting for
And I'm going to buy this place, that's what I said
Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head"

All the movements you're starting to make
See me crumble and fall on my face
And I know the mistakes that I made
See it all disappear without a trace

And they call as they beckon you on
They said "start as you mean to go on
As you mean to go on, as you mean to go on"

"So meet me by the bridge, meet me by the lane
When am I going to see that pretty face again?
Meet me on the road, meet me where I said
'Blame it all upon
A rush of blood to the head'"

I love Coldplay.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"Stood on the edge, tied to a noose. You came along and you cut me loose. Yea, you came along and you cut me loose."

Pardon Dolly's Aparition

Or, Public Display of Affection. PDA! I really don't like it. The thing is, I'm always in Campbell's arms. The same goes for Davis and Haley. Too much PDA! I really do like being held, but I always feel like someone's watching us. As you can probably tell, my desire for his arms around me much outweighs the paranoia. I tell myself, "No, Lizabeth. Stop it." But do I listen? No. I'd much rather walk around like Danny and Delaney or Ellen and Austin. Dating, but not flaunting it to the world. I feel bad, too, because I know my friends don't appreciate the amount of PDA either. Sure, I've talked to God about it, but I have horrible self-control when it comes to things like that. If you were me, you would understand how huge not having self-control is for me. In almost every other aspect of my life I have tremendous self-control, but when it comes to Campbell, everything falls apart. Lately, I've been thinking about getting a purity ring, just so I can have a physical reminder that God can give me strength to overcome physical desires like that.

I finished editing the song for dance! I'm very proud of myself. I know just how to end this thing.

Make my freakin' day, why doncha?

Is this how you envisioned your post would go, Austin?

That's all, folks!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh No! It's an Austin-o-saur!

Memories are crazy. Our brains have a capacity that's close to infinity. I've been alive fourteen years, that's 5110 days by the way, and I can remember a good number of them. In addition to just days, there's so much else lodged in there. Two whole languages, hundreds of thousands of people, lyrics, plot lines, melodies. It's amazing. Crazy. Cray-mazing. It absolutely positively absitively posolutely blows my mind. Ah, the human body. God did a good job.

Dude. You know what I want right now? A Popsicle. Don't lie. You know you want one now, too. I wanted ice cream earlier, too. Why didn't Campbell and I get ice cream at Disneyland? We totally should have. I should go get ice cream right now! What on earth am I waiting for? Rah.

Ehly and I went internet dress shopping today. My mother is going to be very happy, as will I, because I don't have to shop around for dresses anymore OR listen to my mother nag me. Yay. I'm rather excited for the dance. Mostly because Campbell did something cute and asked me. Never did that actually cross my mind.

Just in case you wanted to see something epic:
(By the way, disregard whatever the title says. Just listen)

The end.

That's all, folks!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So Have You Seen That Vitaminwater Commercial?

Y'know, this one:

I feel as though that was yesterday, the epic night that you can barely remember. You have all this stuff now that you have NO IDEA where it came from, and you wake up in the morning feeling like Jell-O. (or at least I did.) It all seems rather surreal. I keep thinking back on it all, and my mind keeps going, "Did I really do that? Did that seriously happen?" That may seem like an over-exaggeration, but I kind of don't think so.

Oh my goodness. We're eighth graders! Are there really only seventeen full days of school left? It's blowing my mind. Summer is just a stone's throw away. Surfing is just a stone's throw away. Camp is just a stone's throw away. The Bro-Am is just a stone's throw away. MGMT is just a stone's throw away. What does S-U-M-M-E-R spell? Epic.

Now I leave you with a song.
It's a rather awesome song, by the way.

That's all, folks!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Justin Bieber ran into a revolving door:

Also, "Electric Feel" is very addictive to play, and textures make me happy.

I'm now going to write about how I became a millionaire, or billionaire, really.

That's all, folks!

By the way...
I've told you about Paper Route before, right? Well, they're from Tennessee, which got devastated by a major flood. Being a band, these guys wrote an amazing song about it. Best part? It's completely free. If you want this beautiful piece of free music, you can get it HERE.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today I Did This

I made a new wallpaper for my computer.
It looks like that. (If you want it to be bigger you should click on it.)

It's actually much simpler than it may look, but it started out so much different than what it ended up being. It may also be one of the best things I've ever made. If you want I could make you a wallpaper, too.

Oh, confidence. I don't actually have as much as I make out to. Everyone says I'm good at this and that and such, but I know people who are so much better than me. It's hard to have confidence when you know you really aren't as good as some people, no matter how much other (rather ignorant) people tell you that you are talented. It's not that I don't think I'm talented, I do, it's just that I'm not as talented as you think. That wallpaper, my pictures, my grades, my singing, my bass, I'm not as good as you, or I, think I am. You can compliment me and try to make me feel better all you want, I know what I do about what I do, and I know you're wrong.

Now everyone's going to be annoyed at me for not appreciating what I can do. Put a sock in it, I'm not really in the mood to hear.

See ya,

"Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
- A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act III, Scene II.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I honestly don't understand racism. At all. How can people think that they're better than someone else just because of where they come from? That's not the confusing part, though. People aren't born racist. It's kind of a known fact that children don't care what colour their friends skin is, or what their religion is, for that matter. I've heard countless stories of people who had African-American friends before the civil rights movement, and, at the time, they didn't understand why their parents said they weren't allowed to see that person. Kids don't develop a racist attitude till they get to the age where their parental influence really starts to affect them. The only way to really combat racism is to stop teaching our children that way. They're our tomorrow. Not literally, y'know. Like, when we're old.

Stupid media! Corrupting our youth!

That's all, folks!

"How now, spirit! Whither wander you?"
-A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act II, Scene I

Saturday, May 15, 2010



go there.

I'm a Stitch Away

"...from making it, and a scar away from falling apart, apart."
Fall Out Boy is the only band that I've ever met that released the bonus tracks from their record as a separate EP. This means I don't have to buy two copies. I am happy.

I have red hair now.

That's all, folks!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Carpal Tunnel of Love

I thought today was going to be amazing. I thought that I was finally going to do the thing I love and be good at it, but no. Instead, this has been one of the worst days I've had in a very long time. All my problems seemed to happen on the same day:

Campbell and I are fighting.
Something stops me from playing music.
My family doesn't appreciate me.

I don't understand. My relationship with God has gone in amazing directions, so then all this crap happens? Is this God challenging me like my DC leader prayed for? I can't handle this! Where did my easy life go? I was floating on freaking air! I wasn't the one with the problems, I helped the people with problems. What am I supposed to do now? I haven't dealt with anything like this in so long that it's hard to remember how to take care of it.

This is not how I imagined spending my sixth month anniversary with Campbell.
Or my talent show performance night.
Or my Friday in general.

There's still some light at the end of the tunnel though. Amy is here. I have Fall Out Boy on. Something else was good today. Tomorrow will be better, and if it isn't, someone's going down.

I've had enough for now. Goodnight children.

See ya,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I... I Just...

I can't handle it.
I just can't handle it.
What is God trying to say to me?
I get so, so close!
I could feel it in my fingers. I had it!
But things change.
I don't want to be another girl who does that thing that everyone else does!
I had something different, something special.
When was the last time you saw THAT?
I thought so.
The visions were wrong. The dream isn't real.
Just give it up while you still can.

But who am I to complain?
I have food.
Parents who love eachother.
My life is perfect in almost every way.
What right do I have to complain about nothing?
I am beyond lucky.
In a way, I've won the lottery of life.

But I'm still not happy.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Banana Faces
Originally uploaded by {super}nova

I drew faces on them.


Wish on THAT Why Doncha?

It's 12:12 AM right now. Why don't people wish on that? There's really no reason not to. Except that now it's 12:14 AM. You really shouldn't wish on that.

I have a headache. It may be because I'm still awake, or because I'm rather dehydrated. I actually get dehydrated a lot. I really should drink more water, but I don't. Why? I'm lazy. Duh.

Instead of getting water I'm uploading videos to Facebook. When you get the chance you should go watch them. One is of Mari and Cole, another is of Davis, and the rest are from Sumo for Seals. It's actually not that interesting, but I'm bored. How those two thoughts related I don't know, or maybe I do.

So I neglected to mention this in the post where the title actually had to do with iTunes Genius, but I love it. I turned it on the other day, and it's amazing. It makes these littles mixes for you, one of which I've been listening to all day. It's called "Indie Rock Lo-Fi Mix," and, as you know, I love anything with "Indie Rock" in it, or anything that says "Indie," for that matter.

The thing about indie is that you get into indie stuff to be different. You don't like the flow. So, you get in this other flow. There's less people, but it's still a flow. There aren't that many original ideas nowadays. Sure, you can try to come up with something completely new and different, but there isn't much out there that is. There are a few things, though. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are one. Have you ever heard anything that sounds remotely like them? I sure haven't. MGMT is another band that I haven't heard much like.

Who cares what's different, though? What's the real need for that big fresh idea? I like what I have, and it's not like I'm tired of it. There's always more being done. People are always taking that old idea and spinning off it. It's not completely fresh and new, but it's different from what was there.

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.
Let's make some music, make some money, find some models for wives.
I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin, and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars.

This is our decision, to live fast and die young.
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.
Yeah, it's overwhelming, but what else can we do.
Get jobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute?

Forget about our mothers and our friends
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
We're fated to pretend
To pretend

I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home
Yeah, I'll miss the boredem and the freedom and the time spent alone.

But there's really nothing, nothing we can do
Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew.
The models will have children, we'll get a divorce
We'll find some more models, everyting must run it's course.

We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
We're fated to pretend
To pretend

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

That's all, folks.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Originally uploaded by {super}nova

Remember what I said, kids. I want views!

Genius on iTunes Is Awesome.

This is Jonathan Bennett.

I found him today while watching a movie called Van Wilder: Freshman Year. It wasn't such a bad movie, but I definitely would NOT ask you parents if you could see it. I was watching Comedy Central, after all.

After that movie was done, I watched another movie. It was called Idiocrasy. Sure, it was still on Comedy Central, but it was rather smart. It was about a soldier who's part of a project where they froze people then woke them up a year later. Unfortunately, he's forgotten and ends up waking up 500 years in the future. The real problem, though, is that people had evolved backwards, and he was the smartest person on earth. They were so retarded, they had replaced water with a sports drink. All water. Which of course meant they couldn't grow food because they were watering it with what was basically Gatorade. It was kind of scary, cause everything made total sense. It's the retards who are reproducing more than the smart people, and all the good scientists are working on stupid vanities. (That's what led to the de-evolution.) I really don't know what to say next, just that things like that can be prevented. People just need to stop being so stupid.

Dangit I forgot what my real point was, but I think you get it.

The other thing I watched was South Park. It was the episode I missed while I was in Arizona. "You Have 0 Friends." It's funny how much people care about things like Facebook. Hm.

That's all, folks!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Music is Amazing

I hope you've been taking the time to actually listen to the songs that I post on here, because there's a reason that I do. I want you to feel the same way I do when I listen to the music. It's incredible. Sometimes, I can't fathom how it all works. For example, take "Kids." All by itself it was a musical phenomenon, but then along comes "Opposite of Adults," which took the song and built on simple music and a simple title, and just when you thought it couldn't get any better!

Music changes people. It likes to eat them, or wrap them up, or cut them to pieces then scatter said pieces across the globe. I don't think that any music can actually be bad. It all came out of someone's brain and turned into a melody. Even if you don't like it, that doesn't mean everyone hates it. It also might mean you don't hate it either. Be open to all music! Before you decide you dislike something just because you've heard something similar, listen to it. It may surprise you. It sure has surprised me.

"If you're not crying, why are you singing it?"
-Jon Foreman.

See ya,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Love That Dog

I wrote a poem for you, but it didn't look very good because the computer screwed up my spacing. I will write it out and post a picture later, then you can see.

For now, listen to this song. It's awesome.

That's all, folks!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Say Goodbye

Originally uploaded by {super}nova

Am I Not Trustworthy?

Really? Am I not? Only because I have a boyfriend, and you think I'm gonna tell him? That kind of pisses me off. Y'know, if I had been told, and I had been specifically told not to tell ANYONE, I wouldn't have! Seriously. I am insulted. And pissed. Before, I was slightly annoyed at how melodramatic the whole situation is, but then I had this little realization, and now I am mad.

I was talking to Ehly about our own mini soap opera, but this isn't scandalous. It's rather pathetic. It lost it's scandal a few seconds after I was told what happened, but not everyone tends to be as rational as me. Oh! The human condition.

Unnecessary stress on EVERYONE, that's what it is. Let's take some deep breaths.
Repeat that at least 3 more times.
Now- let's talk it out. GO!

Wait. You're not open to talking? Hm. This isn't going very well.

I'm tired this. I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow.

See ya,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Raven

One Day I Was Abandoned
Originally uploaded by {super}nova

If you haven't seen these photos, I highly suggest you look through my photostream, and PLEASE look at the photos themselves. If you don't, they don't get views. I kind of need those.

I *heart* Volcom

It may be my favourite clothing brand. I also like RVCA, but Volcom is much more important right now because they have a Volcom outlet at the Desert Hills Outlet Mall that I went to with my mom on Friday. I frackin' love that store oh my gosh. It was playing awesome music AND there was a gay (I'm pretty sure) guy in there who was hell-bent on finding me an outfit, specifically jeans that fit. (The thing about outlet stores is that there's a low selection.) He couldn't find any, but I learned why Lindsay wants a gay guy friend to go shopping with so much. Now I want one, too. But NOT Eric E. He's not a fun gay boy.

I also bought some sunglasses at the outlet mall. If you go to my school you can see them on Monday.

We have to write graduation speeches. I don't want to, but I have to. I don't want to audition, but I'm pretty sure I'll need the extra credit. I was planning to throw my audition, but Ehly just told me her brother tried to do that, and he got picked anyway. Hm. I'm still going to do that anyway.

My head hurts.

That's all, folks!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Andrew VanWyngarden

I found a new "celebrity" to swoon over. I put quotes because until I tell you who he is you'll have no idea.
This is him:
Heh. I like him.
So anyway, his name is Andrew VanWyngarden.
Who is he?
The lead singer of MGMT of course. I saw him a day or two ago while I was watching MGMT on SNL. (amazing performance, by the way.) I've kind of fallen in love with him, and I don't care what you think of him, I find him attractive and that is my opinion!
Hm, in that picture he has rather muscular arms....

Here are some more rather attractive celebrities for your viewing pleasure:

Zack Efron... (just look at the picture. trust me.)

I will gladly take suggestions for people to add to the list. (NO, I will NOT put Taylor Lautner.)

That's all, folks!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Service Retreat

He is jealous for me.
His love like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
and I realize just how beautiful You are,
and how great your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us, so.
Oh, how He loves us, so.
How He loves us all.

Yeah, He loves us.
Oh, how He loves us.
Oh, how He loves us.
Oh, how He loves.

We are his portion, and He is our prize.
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes.
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.
And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest.
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I like about the way

He loves us.
Oh, how He loves us.
Oh, how He loves us.
Oh, how He loves.

See ya,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Pisses Me Off

It does. Why? I think you know. Why should we care so much about the earth when over half the WORLD is under the poverty line? Why do we need to save the seals that help some people stay ABOVE that line? What if the only way they can earn a living in good ole Canada is by killing and selling the seals? Huh? Have you ever stopped to think about the people who kill those cute little seals? They aren't all ruthless killers. Some of them have families to support! Why should we be taking away their way of life because of something that really doesn't affect anything? Is the seal population declining? If it is, then something should be done about overhunting, but not the actual hunt. People need those seals to survive.

Yea. I'm not happy. Can ya tell? My foot hurts. A lot. I've been walking on it all day. It hasn't been fun.

Ehly, you can tell I'm not in a good mood right now, so I'm gonna use that to tell you how I feel. That question the teacher asked WASN'T retarded. What if she was trying to make some sort of point? Also, the answer was just insensitive. What if you were a sibling or a parent of one of the kids who died? (There were 15, by the way. Plus the two kids who started it.) I'd be pretty offended if I heard that. Another thing, I just got done practically ranting about how I think it's insensitive that people think pot is more important than people dying. It's a rather stupid idea for you to tell me a story that's outright making fun of the whole incident. Did your mom put you on some sort of medicine that's making you loopy?

Today was supposed to be so good. I could feel it. Then it crashed and burned.

See ya,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Post 120 on April 20th

Wow. 4/20, eh?

-Hitler's Birthday
-Pot Day
-Anniversary of the Columbine Shootings
-Micheal Jordan sets an NBA play-off record
-Apollo 16 lands on the moon
-Chicago Cubs play their first game
-Muhammad's Birthday

All this crazy stuff happened today, and all I hear about is weed. Pot, weed, marijuana. We definitely have our priorities straight, don't we? Hm. I can understand though, in my world, how pot would be a more prominent topic of conversation, but the least we can do is bother to toss our hat in the direction of other things that might be more important. I'm trying to yell at all of you, because I'm equally annoyed at myself. I didn't learn about the Columbine Massacre till just recently. Maybe not even 20 minutes ago, and I'm really passionate about things like school shootings. It's one of the reasons I don't think people should be allowed to own guns. At least not stupid people who let them get in the hands of their kids.

I would assault you with facts, but I really don't know how to sort through this much information. Yea. There's that much. I read a book once. It's called Shooter, and it's by Walter Dean Myers. In fact, I'm positive I've read it more than once. It's loaded with wonderful little statistics that I'd love to get my hands on. I don't have that book now, though.

Hopefully your brain was hungry.

See ya,

Monday, April 19, 2010


David Bowiee.... *sways* I do enjoy that song.

AND the Kooks. They're pretty awesomely legit if I do say so myself, and I just did. Wew-hew. I wanna make a pinhole camera. I just need some adhesive paper and a roll of film and some cardboard and a car to help me go find all this stuff. Oh yea. Look at these pictures!: http://blog.flickr.net/en/2010/04/19/pinhole-pinhole-pinhole-2/

Are they not epic? 'Cause I think they are, and I don't quite understand it all yet. But I'm hyper because I was listening to Coldplay, and that makes it all good. I was even hassling Bailey about why he doesn't like them. He says they're gay. That's not true. But then I asked him about MGMT and he likes them. Yay. I still need to thoroughly cross-examine his taste in music, though.

Download this week's single of the week before it goes down later in the night. Tomorrow it will be something different, and this week it's good. This is what it is:
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club.
The music video isn't that bad either. It is:
Acapella by Kelis.
Look both of those up on Youtube, and I suggest you don't actually watch the video for the second song. It's rather strange, and could be a potential turnoff to an awesome song. That is not good. Nopenopenope. Music videos are sometimes really bad for songs. Like, have you ever seen a music video that sucked for a really good song? Nope. Not good, right? Yea.

Did I mention I'm hyper? 'Cause I kind of am. I'm relatively cooled off though. I love music. A lot. Even more, lately.

I WANT TO WATCH THE EPISODE OF SOUTH PARK I MISSED WHILE I WAS IN ARIZONA RIGHT NOW BUT I CAN'T! Darn. I wanna know why the sexual harassment panda is so funny. It's not fun for me when all my guy-ish friends are making jokes about it and I don't get it then those jokes become directed at me even though I know they're just making fun like they always do OHMYGAWSH I WANNA WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. *breath*.
I may be slightly more hyper now.

I'm so hyper I can't spell "Cobra Starship." Why would I want to spell that? I wanted to listen to the song "Send My Love to the Dance Floor I'll See You in Hell (Hey Mister DJ)." This song reminds me of the sixth grade. Woo-hoo. Not really. It's still a good song, though. Too bad I don't have enough room on my iPod to put it on. I need a new one so bad!

I really should go take a shower then sleep. Goodnight.

That's all, folks!

OH MY GAWSH. somone slap me. (not really, though.)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ima Make a LIST!

About what? I'm not quite sure yet, but I will make one. Maybe I'll make a list about things to make lists about. BRILLIANT, non? No. There are several requirements, though. This list has to be at LEAST thirty things long, and it can't be a list I've already written before.

I really really like Congratulations by MGMT. My favourtie song is either "Brian Eno" or "I Found a Whistle." Maybe "Congratulations." It really is very good. I encourage you to go out and buy it.

http://www.unrelatedcaptions.com is very, very funny. I just realized I already secretly directed you there.

I've had a lovely Campbell-filled weekend.

That's all, folks!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bass Line is Killer

Flea is pretty much the best bassist I have ever encountered. Although I'll probably meet more in my time, maybe even be better than him one day. *wistful*

The reason I bring up the lovely electric bass is because I now have this song:
and every time I hear it my fingers just itch to play it. Really. What a hook there. The thing about this song is that this guy who's playing the bass isn't especially talented, and that line isn't especially complicated. It is just effective at what's it's supposed to be doing, which is enhancing the song.
And THAT is the beauty in simplicity.

(You do realize that, initially, I had no idea where I was going with this. I just wanted to talk about the song.)

Now I have to go be nice to CoCo so that he'll love me forever. Goodnight friends.

That's all, folks!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Get Super Envious of Chad (Butler)

I love listening to Switchfoot talk; they always have something interesting to say.

If I die tomorrow, I want this to happen:
Donate my organs, and give my body to science. I'm not going to be doing anything with it, so why not do something good? As far as all my stuff goes, divide it up amongst yourselves. EXCEPT. Give all the stuff Campbell ever gave to me back to him, unless of course he doesn't want it...and anything else he wants. Don't fight him kids. Oh, and Sara gets Clifford. No exceptions.
If my family doesn't go along with all of this, show them this, okay?
OH. and. No funeral. I don't like the idea of people mourning my death. Don't be sad I'm gone, be glad I lived. Have a party for all I care! Just no ceremony centered around being sad. That's not a fun emotion, and it really wouldn't honor my memory, now would it?

I'm listening to Switchfoot's music choices on a podcast. So far, they're rather interesting. Many songs that I would NEVER have imagined. Huh. Huh huh huh.

I really really like "Loser" by Beck. If you haven't listened to the song yet it's down in that general direction. vv

That's all, folks!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So Why Don't You Kill Me?

I’m a driver, I’m a winner; things are gonna change I can feel it.

Whoops, spoke to soon.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Sorry I had to.

ANYWAY. I'm listening to Britney Spears. Emily and I are having a Britney fest, and the next person who hates on it is gonna get killed so hard they're gonna die to death!

Talent shoe? Where?! Oh. You said talent show. Dangit. Speaking of which, yes. I'm auditioning with my little band of sorts. We're are going to play an awesome song, and you will all be jealous of our mahd shkillz.

So I have new pictures. They're from when I was with CSM. View their glory here:

It's extremely difficult.

That's all, folks!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oatmeal is Oatmeal

More wisdom from my mom, that is.

So, you say you've got some new music, eh? Why, yes, I do! Now what exactly do you got there? Well, I'll tell you.
By way of CDs:
Oracular Spectacular by MGMT
Inside In/Inside Out by the Kooks
Room on Fire by the Strokes
Alice in Chains Greatest Hits (I love when I find awesome music in my dad's collection.)

By way of single songs:
Jeremy by Pearl Jam
Can't Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden
Buddy Holly by Weezer
Loser by Beck
...Baby One More Time by Britney Spears (Dont judge. She was good in her hay day! She still is, in fact.)

Yes, I did watch Top 100 Songs of the 90's, and soon enough I will have plenty more 90's music where that came from, including all the Nirvana I can get my hands on. (RIP Kurt Cobain! Why do you have to be dead?!)

Also, I read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas over break. It was very very good, but very sad. I also read Vote for Larry, which I will talk about in greater detail when I'm not on my phone.

That's all, folks!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Maybe It's Good I'm Leaving

I can escape all this stupid drama that's been going on. Except I'll be leaving Campbell... and if there was any one person I want to talk to right now it would be him, but I won't get to till the Monday we get back. Fun, right? No.

See ya,

Friday, April 2, 2010

He Really Did Call

I just didn't pick up.

I Give Up

So I finally called his house. Once. Did he pick up? No. Am I going to try again? No. Why? I'm lazy, and I don't like calling peoples' house phone. I reallyreallyreally want to hang out with him today though! So should I call him again? Yes, and probably will.

That's all, folks!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Constantly Trying

Constantly trying to attempt to do what I'm told. Sure, I'll do it, but I wish I didn't have to, and, because for some reason, I'll do it well. I HAT PROJECTS! Right now I'm trying to finish a powerpoint presentation for Social Studies and it's not going so smoothly. Sure, I've got a lot finished, but there's still a bunch of holes. Like cheese. A Swiss prostitute, even (LAWL). Rrrg. I just want to get this over with, but I can't. Mostly because I'm LAZY! (Yea, most of this is my fault, but who cares? I feel like ranting. About nothing.)

Fracken' Davis is in fracken' Hong Kong. He's gonna be gone for three fracken' weeks as him and his dad circumnavigate the fracken' globe. Oh my gawsh. He fracken' has it all, doesn't he? I love him, really I do, but is it impossible not to be jealous of him all the time? He is a talented ladies man who gets to go around the world with his dad for three weeks. He's smart, too, and did I mention how talented he is? Seriously! You give this guy an instrument, he can play it. I hate and love him all at the same time.
He's the most interesting person I've ever met.

That's all, folks!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


You need to watch this (or at least listen to it) RIGHT NOW:

Love is too weak a word to describe how awesome I think this sounds. I may just buy the actual Beastie Boys song. Right after I get a hold of an MP3 of this. Absolutely cray-mazing.

And for those of you who're wondering about Randy//Lola, you'll figure it out eventually.

That's all, folks!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Scene 1

Lola: Do you have a coconut?
Randy: What? No! Why?
Lola: Why not? I have one.
Lola pulls out a coconut.
Randy: Where on earth did you get that?!
Lola: While we were chatting I had Melanie stealthily hand to me as she was walking by.
Randy: Uhm, okay...
Lola: Now, I must bid goodday to you sir!
In an exagerant, graceful flourish Lola hands Randy the coconut and glides to her next class.
Randy now has a coconut.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Super Mario RPG!

There's one thing that I will never forget about the seventh grade. Her name is Teenie, and for almost every single day of that school year we would go to the back of Mrs. Foster's class, sometimes while she was lecturing, and do our secret handshake. It was more a high-five than a handshake, but it was awesome. Eventually we started doing it backwards. That was how we maintained our friendship. Now, though, we have no classes together, and we haven't done our "handshake" in a while. It used to be that I'd wait outside her third period class for her (I had ulterior motives along with the handshake.) Makes me sad. :/

So I just finished a book about this song. It was really good. Now I'm listening to the song, and I really like the song, too.

That's all, folks!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Not as Smart as You Think I Am

Seriously. You may look at my grades and go, "Wow, she's smart," but that's not the case. Sure, I'm above average, but that's it. I'm not a super genius. I don't get high A's, I get normal A's, sometimes with minuses attached. There are many more people who are smarter than me, get better grades, and are in higher classes. If you think I'm oh-so-super-smart then you're wrong. I'm not. I'm just a little above average, and don't try and argue.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If You're Wondering If I Want You to,

I want you to! Dang it I need to work up the courage. All I hear are scattered bits and pieces of a much larger story, and at this point, I don't understand, but I should! I really should. I can do this, and I will.

Oh my good-schnapp my lips are dry. Stupid gum. I need to do my math homework in the next ten minutes so I have enough time to watch a Tivo show and the Simpsons.

Short short short. That's what this is. OR. Less tall than average. That's somewhat close to what I called Brooke and Tiffany today. Heheh...

That's all, folks!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Surprise, Surprise!

"Most guys who sparkle aren't into girls."
I love flair wisdom.

I don't think anyone will ever figure out why a raven is like a writing desk, and if someone has, PLEASE TELL ME! It might drive me insane one day.

People confuse me all the time. Especially boys, they enjoy screwing with my head. Like this one kid I've known for a while, he was talking to me maybe ten minutes ago, and we were really talking. It was about random, I'm-trying-really-hard-to-keep-the-conversation-going crap, but we were really talking. It reminded me of how much I really do like this kid, which scares me. Is my mother right about us? I sure hope not.

I really really really want a Polaroid camera. I especially want this one: http://shop.the-impossible-project.com/shop/cameras/600/ca_one_classic_kit_pge If you buy it for me I will love you forever. I really will. You'll be invited to my college graduation, my wedding, and my funeral. You'll be on my Christmas card list, and if I'm having a party, you're invited. I'm very serious. Seriously.

Oh goodness, why am I encouraging him?

That's all, folks!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Just Don't Let Me Down...

So my fingers are sticky and my head is in pain. Why? That darn spray adhesive I'm using for my science board, which is getting closer and closer to being done. Except not really. I'm running out of coloured paper and I still have several things to mount. AND! Joy O joy the printer just ran out of black ink. I really do not like science projects. At all. If I ever become a science teacher, which I won't, I won't allow my students to do one.

Anyway, I'm enjoying some new music. But I don't like resorting to my headphones to get good sound. Sure, I have a speaker, but it's not very good. I want surround sound in my room. Wouldn't that be so cool? It would be, trust me. All I need is an "A" in math.

Me and Ehly are going to surf. We are going to be amazing. You'll all be jealous of our skills. Even me and Ehly will be jealous of us. That's how good we'll be.

Tommy wants a turn. I actually think I should give it to him.

That's all, folks!

Oh, and by. The. Way.
In case you haven't seen them yet: http://www.flickr.com/photos/penguinova/

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh When

Oh when, oh when, will the keys to the kingdom be mine again?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Have a Lot of Hair

That was the first thing I thought when I looked in the mirror this morning as I was leaving my room. I have a lot of long, blond hair. I am so weird.

Anyway, I wish I could tell you about the service project I just got back from, but I really can't. The thing is, it's mostly a "you had to be there" kind of thing in order to understand. I went to skid row, I learned that there are around three supermarkets in south L.A. I saw homeless people sitting a room watching TV. Watching TV. That may be what hit me the most, and I don't think you'll ever understand what I mean till the people watching TV are sitting less that two feet away from you. It was probably one of the best weekends of my entire life.

Like I said, I can't really tell you more, and now I have a question: When Rachel posts songs on her blog do you listen to them? Hopefully you do, because I'm about to attack you with awesome music.

[the real version is better.]

That is my current playlist. Except there was only one song I couldn't find: Weekend Tongue by Donora. I suggest you find that song and listen. It's awesome.

That's all, folks!

ps- post 100.